Vladimir Megre - Questions and Answers

Online Reader's Conference, Spring 2007


Vladimir Megre, 2005

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Internet conference of the writer Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre ended on 20th of May.

The conference was organized by:
Source of Life Association

For the first time ever the conference has been held in English, which made it possible for the readers from the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK and other countries ask their questions.

Vladimir Megre would like to thank all participants for relevant, vital and sensitive questions.

We would like to thank all those who participated in the Internet conference.


Question 1.

Dear Vladimir Nikolaevich,

I have read all of your books and would like to thank you for the inspiration, knowledge and wisdom that you shared with us.

In one of your books you tell about the dolmens and the knowledge that one can acquire by communicating with them, in particular the way of breastfeeding that helps a woman to share her knowledge with her baby. You said that only a woman could acquire this knowledge, and that it is hard to get to that particular dolmen. Do you know if somebody gained this knowledge and described this way of breastfeeding to share it with the women around the world? Is it possible to find any information about this for those women who did not have a chance to travel to dolmens?

Thank you very much for your answers!

Toronto, Canada


Dear Yulia,

I think some people have managed to acquire that information. As for making it available to all women in the whole world, let us reason together and answer the question: "Is it not too early to provide absolutely everyone with this information?" In today's global community different people have different views of life, different goals and objectives and they're not always pure. Do many people have a reasonably good idea of morality, spirituality, their purpose and a worthy lifestyle for man as the Son of the Creator? Does every breastfeeding mother today have enough useful information?

Given the fact that the mother's psychological state can pass to the child with the milk, it is important to relax and think of good, positive things when breastfeeding. Try to think about what you would like to tell your child. We know that when a woman is stressed her milk can become spoilt and this scientific and practical fact shows that a mother's milk reacts in response to her mood and the fact that a mother's milk becomes spoilt tells us that there is a natural mechanism, which protects the child from negative information and stress; therefore this fact proves that milk can affect an infant's psyche both negatively and positively. You can get more detailed information not only near a dolmen but also by considering this fact yourself in a calm and quiet setting.


Question 2.

Dear Vladimir Nikolaevich,

I enjoy reading your books and what you say in them is right - I am grateful that there are people in the world who are strong enough to speak the truth.
I have also found out that there will be a total of nine books in the series. Will you really stop there? I am sure you have a great deal of information, which people need to know. Please share your creative plans for the future with your readers.
I wish you strong health and success in your work! God bless you.


Viktor Rod.
New York.


Dear Victor,
There's a movie script and a play to work on as well and I plan to do that. The ninth book is impossible to finish because it will include, among other things, a story of recent years about people who have started building their Kin's Domains and many examples. I'm collecting information at the moment so the ninth book will be written together with you, the readers.


Question 3.

How does one determine their 'real' birth date or is this impossible in the current context of choosing just one single date to call a 'birth date'?

EXPLANATION: In the first chapter of book six entitled "Who raises our children?" (available for free read/download at http://www.ringingcedars.com/books.htm#book6 ) Anastasia says, "It is generally accepted today that one's birthdate is defined by the moment of emergence from the mother's womb. This is what horoscopes are based on. But science has already determined that the fetus, even before it has emerged from the womb, is alive, it has feelings. And if that is so, then the Man already exists. He is already born. He can move - the mother can feel the push of his little legs and arms.

Perhaps, then, it would be more accurate to calculate a Man's birthdate from the moment the sperm fertilises the egg? Certainly from the physiological point of view, this could be considered the most accurate defining moment of somebody's 'birth'. But... "The meeting of the sperm and the egg is still not a cause - it is an effect. It is preceded by the couple's thoughts. Could it be that these thoughts define one's birthdate? Of the three moments we have mentioned, it is generally accepted today that one's birthdate is the moment of emergence into the world. Tomorrow, though, the calculation could be different."

"According to Anastasia's theory, Man's birthdate is the point where these three moments merge into one."

So how then do we actually determine this "point where these three moments merge into one" for the purposes of determining our 'real' birthdate?


Chris Iverson
Age 38
Ashland, Oregon


Dear Chris,
You've basically answered your own question and that's why I lean towards the opinion that it is the conception that should be considered a person's date of birth. Conception is when a sperm cell meet with ovule, labor may last for two or three hours, so which minute should be considered the date of birth? Conception is the fruition of something planned and desired before. Conception is a result.
Therefore, this moment best represents someone's date of birth. Of course, an exception to this would be where conception occurs by accident, as a result of carnal pleasures and that gives rise to the question of what the child will be deprived of through having been born as a result of carnal pleasures.


Question 4

What wisdom could help us in creating Eco-Habitats while being conscious of the potential coming changes of the Earth's Terrain, i.e. changing coastlines, rising and falling of continents, magnetic pole shifts, etc.

Is the prediction of Earth Changes worth paying attention to? Are the Earth's peoples at a point where we can avert the cataclysms that have impacted our societies throughout history?


Dear Scott,
People, and I wrote about this, can prevent disasters a second before they happen so not all is lost. The real transformation of Earth into a heavenly orchard by people who live on Earth can prevent any cataclysms. As for knowledge - it will definitely come when you start to create, even when you start thinking about creating your future Kin's Domain. That knowledge is in every Man's (See footnote 1) subconscious even now. Man has freedom of choice, and if a Man directs his efforts to earning as much money as possible and buying a new car or apartment for example then he will get corresponding knowledge.

Footnote 1: Man (with a capital M) an equivalent of the Russian word Chelovek, is used when referring to a human individual as representative of the species without reference to sex - the human race, humankind.


Question 5

How does Anastasia see the role of mushrooms (for healing purposes and other purposes) developing in our culture? What role did mushrooms play in the Vedic period that Anastasia describes fully in book six?

EXPLANATION - Mushrooms play a crucial role in the establishment of the forest ecosystem. Mushroom spores are the only 'living' thing found in outer space floating from planet to planet, assumedly with 'God consciousness' in them. Once they land on a planet they literally 'prepare' the soil for the rest of the plants to grow.

Anastasia describes her diet as mainly one consisting of plants, berries, seeds, nuts and dried mushrooms. Since she lives in the forest she is likely to 'know' many kinds of mushrooms and their medicinal value. How important does she think the role of mushrooms is?


Chris Iverson
Age 38
Ashland, Oregon


Dear Chris Iverson,
I didn't ask Anastasia about the role of mushrooms. My personal opinion is as follows.
Everything useful in nature was made by God but determining what is best for a specific person can be done by means of a brilliant mechanism: the desire to consume a certain product. One person enjoys eating an apple, another person enjoys a pear, a third person enjoys cherries. That means that the first person needs an apple, the second person needs a pear and the third person needs cherries but they should all be good products, not hybrids. Anastasia eats them but I don't know what their role is. I never asked.
Mushrooms can be stored for a long time if dried. People can collect and dry them in the taiga and eat them instead of meat. If she eats them then she considers them important but she didn't differentiate between them and other food. As for the role of mushrooms…
Three porcini grew in fall in the garden, three meters from the house where I wrote the book. I'd never seen any like them - perfectly white and healthy. Each weighed around three kilograms. I looked at them and thought to myself that we know little about nature's potential. Who created the three mushrooms in my garden? I used them to make soup and I fried them and the meals were wonderful, so it came to me that maybe the Creator decided not to trouble man and thought to himself "let my child at least remember the taste of my creations". I attach a photo:

Question 6

Perhaps we could be aided with a vision of the way in which Anastasia breathes; common breath (i.e. in conversation, foraging herbs...), during physical activity, when using her ray, and while at rest.

Any wisdom that Anastasia may have offered on breath would also be appreciated.


Dear Scott,
I never heard her say anything about breathing, nor did she ever think about it because people do it automatically if they are in a natural environment. In unnatural, artificial environments it may be that you need artificial breathing.


Question 7

My question is about 'healing gardens' as described in book one - chapter 11.

Anastasia describes a process including germinating seeds with your own saliva to plant healing gardens for ourselves. She says that the plants will "take in information about the person who plants it". How does this plant get that information? How much of that information is given to the plant from '3rd dimensional' (real, tangible, solid objects) sources such as maybe the heavy metal (toxic) content in someone's saliva? And how much information is given to the plant from '4th dimensional' (spiritual, energetic, vibrational, etc.) sources?

How do plants receive information about a person in order to produce the exact substances in the exact quantities that person needs to heal themselves when they are grown in the way that Anastasia describes?

EXPLANATION - Anastasia describes ways to germinate seeds using our own saliva, and then hold the seed between our hands for 30 seconds while standing barefoot in the garden, and then plant that/those seeds in the ground. After that seed/those seeds have grown there are other things that need to be done such as walking on the garden plot barefoot, sleeping outside next to the garden near the full moon near your birthday, leaving weeds for 'supplemental information', etc.

In "taking in information about a person" who plants the garden and its plants, how does that plant/those plants receive that information?

There are ways to diagnose most dis-ease in someone. Live blood cell analysis, foot reflexology, Chinese medicine, Reiki, etc. are just a few of the ways. Some of these things are very '3rd dimensional' like live blood cell analysis, which is basically where they look at your blood under a microscope.

Some of these techniques are very '4th dimensional' like Reiki (energy healing) and work on the subtle energetic levels to assist the body to heal itself.

How do plants receive information about a person in order to produce the exact substances in the exact quantities that person needs to heal themselves when they are grown in the way that Anastasia describes?


Chris Iverson
Age 38
Ashland, Oregon


Dear Chris Iverson,
Your question is so broad that it requires a large book in reply. That's not something I can do at the moment but I can feel that you can find the answer yourself and share your conclusions with others. My brief response to the following question would be to use words from the book:
"...how do plants get information about a person to develop the exact amount of the specific substances needed by that person to heal?"
- My Son, when My dreams of you absorbed Universal Energies I had no time to think of Myself. My Dreams and thoughts created only you, they did not make a visible image for Me. But there are visible creations of Mine - feel them, do not try to analyse them. Nobody in the whole Universe will find that they can analyse them simply with their mind.


Question 8

Dear V.Megre!
You have told us in your books that some of the ancient Vedrussia holidays are still celebrated today, even though they have gone through some distortion. Could we please find out more about it. When was the New Year holiday celebrated? What exactly was the meaning of Maslenica and what the name of this holiday is related to?

Thank you very much for your answers!

Toronto, Canada


Dear Alena,
Different people celebrated and continue to celebrate New Year on different days but I think Vedrussians celebrated New Year during the vernal equinox.
They celebrated the coming of Spring. I can't really say why it's called Maslenitsa (see footnote 2) because the name is arbitrary. Besides, this holiday includes a huge number of different elements. For example, a contest for the best cook - people treated each other to various dishes, not only pancakes. A contest for the best clothes because people who came to the Maslenitsa normally wore clothes they made in the winter time. Strength, agility, song and dance contests. The Maslenitsa should be viewed not as a celebration of someone or something but more broadly as a large event where people can show themselves and see the skills of others. Seeing the best side in others means a multifaceted experience-sharing event.

Footnote 2: Maslenitsa - a modern folk name of an old Slavic holiday which is celebrated during vernal equinox and it symbolizes the beginning of a New Year.


Question 9

Dear Vladimir Megre, I have read all books from the series "Ringing Cedars of Russia" and I like many ideas described in the books. From what I understand from the books, Russian Culture from our ancestors is at the same time a way of passing knowledge from generation to generation and a combination of techniques of self development. Therefore, each cultural element such as singing and dancing develops certain characteristics, helps in its own way in a person's way of spiritual development. There are many people around the world right now who are searching for the meaning of ancient cultural elements. The renaissance of which cultural element do you put on the top of your personal list and why?

Thank you very much for your incentive to hold this conference,

Feodor Z.


Dear Feodor,
First and foremost, it is a lifestyle worthy of man. Whichever cultures we are talking about, lifestyle will always come first. I described it from Anastasia's words in my books and with every passing day I am becoming more and more certain that it is the lifestyle that determines every Man's spirituality. That's why I believe that someone who creates his own Kin's Domain as a heavenly corner transforms the Earth, and the Universe to which our Planet and the people who live on it are inextricably linked, for the better. Such Man can be considered highly cultural and spiritual. And his actions are most valuable for the Universe; they allow him to self-develop in the right direction.


Question 10

Regarding the nature spirits mentioned in the Earth's folklore and in modern accounts such as The Findhorn Community and Anthroposophy...

Does Anastasia communicate with beings our culture knows as elves, fae, gnomes, etc? Is there an understanding of these being's existence that would benefit our perception of nature and our relationship to nature?

Peace Sensations,


Dear Scott,
I never came across her talking to the things you describe. I didn't ask Anastasia about it but I think every person is capable of communicating with absolutely everything that exists in the Universe, to a degree.


Question 11

My question is about 'Burial gardens'.

To aid in the quick rebirth of our soul into another physical body, are all generations of Kin supposed to be buried in one 'family' Space of Love, or are they buried in their own separate Spaces of Love?

EXPLANATION - When a couple first chooses their 'Space of Love' within a 'Kin's Domain' they also co-create their family together in this space. It is in this Space of Love that everything is 'given' to the family. In the earlier books it tell us that Anastasia's grandparents live away from her, also in their own Spaces of Love. So naturally it can be assumed that everyone has their own Space of Love and brings their family into this space.

In one of the books (I think book four or five) Anastasia says that when we 'die' we should have our bodies buried in the ground in our Space of Love. Then, gardens should be planted in the spot where the body is buried and we shall always be remembered (fondly) by our Kin, which in turn will allow us to be 'reborn' back into this world again faster. She says clearly that when people mourn us and we are buried in cemeteries that it will take much longer for us to be reborn again.

If we each have our own Spaces of Love, and when we die we are supposed to be buried in this same Space of Love, then where are our kids buried? Don't the children that are born go off and get their own Spaces of Love when they are ready to co-create (as described fully in book six)? If so then this would make them physically and geographically separate from their parents' Space of Love where they were born. And if they had their own Space of Love then wouldn't they have themselves buried in this space when they died?

So then how is it that we are supposed to remember our parents fondly (as Anastasia describes for bringing us back into this world faster) and plant gardens where their bodies are buried (to help with this fond remembering) if we are physically living in another location?

Or are we all supposed to live in the same one hectare (2.8 acres) Space of Love together with all generations of Kin living and buried there at the same time?

Or is there one space that is reserved for the 'burial gardens' for the entire Kin and all their offspring?

This is notwithstanding those members of the community that go off into the dolmens to die and impart their wisdom for generations to come.


Chris Iverson
Age 38
Ashland, Oregon


Dear Chris Iverson,
They should be buried at the new Kin's Domain, created by the new family and the new Kin's Domain is a continuation of all preceding ones because relatives from two families participated in its creation, therefore burials should take place at the new Kin's Domain. But that doesn't mean they will be separated from each other or their parents. Every new generation is a continuation and inherits the best things. Remember weddings. Didn't your parents plant bushes and orchards for you? Let's remember the wedding rituals where your friends and primarily your parents planted your orchard, garden and built your home.


Question 12

Do you have any knowledge of Alchemy or are a member of any Freemason lodges? Also do you know Maurice Strong on any personal level?


I don't have the knowledge you mention, nor am I a member of any organization.

Vladimir Megre.

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